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Solution for Windows 2022 Remote Desktop Connection Administrator Ending Session
Your remote desktop session has ended. Your remote desktop session has ended, possibly due to one of the following reasons: the administrator has ended the session. An error occurred while establishing the connection. A network problem occurred
There is a server that cannot be connected today, indicating this. A hundred thoughts cannot explain it.
Later, when asked, it turned out that this machine was equipped with a BT panel, which was installed on the system's C drive, and this error occurred.
When installing the panel, the security permissions of the C drive file were modified, and the Users permission was removed. If you log in with a regular account without using the admin login, you will find that the C drive cannot be opened without permission.
Solution: Right click on the attributes on the C drive, restore the file security permissions, restore the Users permissions to be able to read, list, and execute, and then execute OK.
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