Smart test
How to realize the control test of the motor torque and speed
With the development of society, people's lives have become more and more colorful. Robot spreading pancakes, excavator shooting, and a series of things that were hard to think of before are clearly displayed before our eyes. The Huajiaban car acrobatic performance, which will open in May, is even more anticipated. Car acrobatics can be said to be no different than racing cars. While testing the technology, it is more important to "control ability", such as "car ballet". When multiple cars pass the roadblock in a curve, I have to be amazed. This is really what the "car" shows. If one of the cars is driving too fast or too slow, it may reduce the overall visual effect. In severe cases, rear-end collisions may even occur, so the control is particularly important.
For automobiles, the speed and force control reflects the level of motor control accuracy. Motor control accuracy mainly includes torque control accuracy and speed control accuracy. The control accuracy test is introduced in detail in GBT 18488.2-2015 Standard 7.3 of Drive Motor System for Electric Vehicles:
Speed control accuracy test: For the drive motor system with speed control function, 10 different speed points are selected as the target value within 10%-90% of the working speed range, and the drive motor controller is set according to a certain speed target value Or the host computer software, the drive motor directly rotates and accelerates from a static state to a stable state, and calculates the difference between the actual speed and the target speed, or the deviation between the actual speed and the target speed accounts for the percentage of the target speed value. This value is this The speed control accuracy corresponding to the speed target value.
Torque control accuracy test: For the drive motor system with torque control function, within the 10%-90% peak torque range under the set speed condition, 10 different torque points are selected as the target value. A torque target is set by the drive motor controller or host computer software. The drive motor output works directly from zero torque to the stable state of the convergent speed. This process should not make any adjustments to the motor controller or host computer software to calculate the actual torque. The difference between the actual torque value and the target torque value, or the percentage of the actual torque value and the target torque value to the target torque value. This value is the torque control accuracy corresponding to this torque target value under a specific speed condition.
The test of speed and torque control accuracy can reflect the adjustment ability of the entire closed-loop system. At the same time, the control accuracy can reflect the efficiency of the drive so that users can improve the performance of the motor system. ZHIYUAN Electronics launched the MPT motor test system in strict accordance with the national standard test requirements. At the same time, through its unique MotorTest software, it can test the speed and torque in the automatic mode.
During the test, the drive motor controller is set to the DC bus voltage as the rated voltage, and the drive motor system should be in no-load, hot, and electric working conditions. In the speed control accuracy test, the above experiment is performed for each set target value of the speed, and the value in the speed control accuracy is selected as the speed control accuracy of the drive motor system. In the torque control accuracy test, the above experiment is performed for each set torque target value, and the error value in the control accuracy is selected, which is the torque control accuracy of the drive system under the specific speed condition. During the loading process , The working speed of the drive motor will change, and its set speed can be set and controlled by the dynamometer.