Smart test
Summary of classification and models of electronic instruments commonly used in switching power supply testing
With the advancement of science and technology and the development of the electronics industry, a large number of new electronic measuring instruments and meters have sprung up and are coming out. Let's introduce the classification and model naming method of electronic measuring instruments.
Although there are many types of electronic instruments and different models, but in terms of their principles and uses. Can be roughly divided into 42 categories: frequency measuring instrument (including frequency standard and frequency counter) time measuring instrument; resistance measuring instrument (including ohmmeter, insulation resistance meter, etc.); capacitance measuring instrument (including measuring loss tangent and other parameters) ; Inductance measuring instrument (including quality factor measuring instrument, high-frequency Q meter); temperature and temperature coefficient measuring instrument; receiver tester; impedance measuring instrument (including impedance graphing instrument); bridge; analog voltmeter, analog type Multimeter (also known as multiplex meter); digital voltmeter, digital multimeter; power meter; signal generator (including function generator); oscilloscope (including storage oscilloscope); frequency characteristic measuring instrument (including sweeper and spectrum analyzer) ; Distortion measuring instrument; Modulation measuring instrument; Amplifier; Semiconductor discrete component tester; Electronic tube measuring instrument; @Integrated circuit tester; Stable power supply (including regulated power supply, steady current power supply, stable frequency power supply, switching power supply, uninterrupted Power UPS, program-controlled power supply, etc.); electro-acoustic measuring instrument; broadcasting sound measuring instrument; TV measuring instrument; digital communication equipment comprehensive tester; infrared tester; radar comprehensive tester; mobile communication equipment comprehensive tester; carrier communication instrument; electromagnetic field Strength meter; phase meter; attenuator; equivalent antenna; dynamic analysis instrument; data domain analyzer; noise generator; radio interference field strength measuring instrument, electromagnetic compatibility comprehensive tester and auxiliary equipment; optical measuring instrument; safety withstand voltage Test instrument; virtual instrument; standard source and calibrator.
The above are all kinds of general-purpose electronic measuring instruments, a total of 42 kinds, a bit more, but very practical. In addition, not only these measuring instruments are included, but there are actually some comprehensive testers that may include the functions of several types of instruments, such as RLC automatic testers.
Models and naming methods of electronic measuring instruments
According to the model naming method of electronic measuring instruments in my country, the model of general electronic instruments is composed of the following four parts: The first part is composed of two letters or three letters to indicate the type of the instrument; the second part is represented by one letter or two letters to indicate the same category An instrument with different characteristics; the third part is an interval horizontal line; the fourth part uses a number to indicate the serial number. Table 1 lists the composition and naming method of 24 electronic measuring instruments.
Below we give an example to illustrate the naming method of electronic measuring instruments.
Two points need to be explained: some domestic instrument models are not named strictly according to the above regulations (such as SR8 dual-track oscilloscope); second, imported or domestically assembled instruments and meters are mostly named with English abbreviations and numbers (such as DT830 digital multimeter) , 8840A digital multimeter).
2. Commonly used test instruments for switching power supply
1. Commonly used instruments and meters for performance testing
The instruments and meters required for routine testing of medium and small power switching power supplies mainly include:
(1) AC and DC digital voltmeter (digital multimeter can also be used instead).
(2) Digital multimeter, such as VC 890D, VC9808A+ digital multimeter.
(3) Analog multimeter, such as 500 type multimeter.
(4) Oscilloscope, such as SS-7802 oscilloscope with CRT display, to facilitate the observation and analysis of voltage and current waveforms.
(5) One piece of 0.5 grade good current ammeter, such as C3-A type.
(6) 0~250V, 0~2A power meter (wattmeter) is used to measure AC input power.
(7) 220V/220V, 0.5kVA power isolation transformer.
(8) 0~250V, 0.5kVA auto-voltage regulator, such as TDGC2-0.5 auto-voltage regulator.
In addition, 1 lkW, 100Ω resistance wire can be prepared as the dummy load RL of the switching power supply. It can be replaced by electric furnace wire under amateur conditions, but the measurement time should be as short as possible to avoid the resistance value change after the electric furnace wire heats up.
2. Commonly used test instruments for peripheral components
(1) Digital multimeter, pointer multimeter;
(2) Digital inductance, capacitance meter (or universal bridge);
(3) Oscilloscope;
(4) Transistor tester (or transistor characteristic grapher);
(5) DC stabilized power supply.
There are many electronic instruments for measuring switching power supplies. This article is helpful to beginners.